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Many of us may have heard of the term “natural born leader”. The image of that tall dark male Jonny Bravo figure that says one word in a commanding but warm voice and the world simply complies with his majesty. They seem to ooze charisma and, with one word of affirmation in your direction, your knees buckle “anything to please Jonny Bravo”. But not all of us feel we are a “natural born leader”. Instead, we feel like the responsibility of leadership is just far too intense and we prefer the comfort and safety of being a “follower”. Some of us even feel the term “leader” is reserved only for those who prove themselves worthy of the weight it brings.


This is the problem with society today. We are waiting for Jonny Bravo to fly in and save the day, someone more equipped, someone that speaks better, or someone with more qualifications. It is time that you pick yourself!

I love John C Maxwell’s Definition of leadership:



Every person has the ability to influence those around them. Whether it is one person or a large group of people, whether it is a positive or negative influence, we all influence people to some extent. Therefore we all carry a measure of influence, which means we all carry a level of leadership. We all need to discover our life of influence.


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The world is not short of good leaders.
What we need are Kingdom leaders!


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Take the music industry as an example. Years ago, people had to be picked by record labels, to be approved by them, to get their music out to listeners. Today, you can record your own music, put it on iTunes or YouTube, and millions can hear it and be influenced by it. This is a great example of not waiting for some “Jonny Bravo” leadership feeling to come on you before you step out, but to pick yourself and lead in your area of influence.

If I want to be very intentional about using my influence, the best thing I can do is equip myself as a leader. Whether you are a leader of two people or a leader of thousands, you can always improve your leadership. It is great to carry natural influence, but leadership training is essential to getting consistent results in your leadership and maintaining unity amongst those who follow you.

The world is not short of good leaders. What we need are Kingdom leaders! Men and woman who know how to lead from a Biblical worldview with the heart and the values of the Kingdom. This generation is at a tipping point, a point calling out for Kingdom leaders to rise up and take action. There is a leadership vacuum that needs to be filled with a generation of leaders who understand their responsibility of leadership and who use their measure of influence to advance the Kingdom of God and not for selfish ambition.


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Wilhelm Bester

Head of Leadership Stream


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