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I remember watching the movie “Count of Monte Christo”. Everything in the main character’s life had reached its peak and it seemed that his life of success was about to begin; only to fall into the hands of jealous people.

Through the process of imprisonment and suffering, he is afforded the opportunity to avenge those who caused this pain.
Yet love turns his heart to have compassion on his accusers!

On his prison wall are the words, “God will give me justice”. These are the very words that ultimately bring him into the freedom that his heart desires.

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When we truly discover who we are, in the humility of our true identity in God, we become free from any trial that comes our way.


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This is found in the love of God for us through humility.

True humility is agreeing with who Father God says you are. Don’t compare yourself or your gift. You rob God, people, and yourself if you don’t bring who you are to the table. Humility is knowing who you are and knowing who you are not.

When you are humble God can trust you! You make yourself available to be an open channel for him to flow through. He will give you favour and your gift will make room for you.

“A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬‬‬‬

If your life is a song, what kind of sound are you releasing?
God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble!
Pride blinds you! It taints your sight and your hearing! You can’t hear if you are singing false or off key when you don’t listen. Humility is the ability listen.

Being humble or embracing humility is not just a casual, “Ok, I am going to be humble”.
It is a byproduct of relationship with the Father.

Out of intimacy stems humility, out of humility stems authenticity, out of authenticity stems authority.

As we draw closer to our Daddy God, we will grow in knowing who we are and who’s we are, displaying a life of humility!

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Brandon Watson

Head of Graduate Programme


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